Thursday 26 September 2013

Fun at the Disco!

On Thursday the 12th of September the middles and senior children of St Clair school
had a night time disco in the hall as a fund raiser.
The main highlights of the disco for me were the spectacular coloured and flashing lights. The kids looked amazing with the glow sticks illuminating their faces.

It was great to see people up on the stage dancing that usually wouldn’t
go on stage, people were having a really good time and there was lots of laughter. It
was great to hang out with my friends and they were really funny.
Despite having a good time there are some things I would like to see changed.
I would hope for a better mix of the songs next time and more variety in the
foods to purchase. It would be great to have a seniors only disco because the
middles get a little bit silly.


Liked - Hanging out with friends.
Disliked -  the mix of music

Liked: music
Disliked: space /area

Liked:  nothing
Disliked: Spilling of drinks

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Stars on Stage - By Jordan and Sylvia

Thanks so much to Ruth for the photos.

“Stars On Stage was remarkable getting done up with make up. It was the most amusement I have ever had in a long time, and I hope I get to do it again next year.” - Anika

It is exciting entering the dressing room when suddenly my tummy rumbles, am I hungry? Did I catch Samuel’s tummy bug? Tip toeing on stage I stop and realise I am nervous and I have butterflies in my tummy. - Kayla

As I tiptoe slowly to my position ready to start. Here it comes the curtains are going up. Everyone is as still as a statue! There it is the music is on, as Mrs Stevenson is watching saying, “strong, strong, strong!” The music is not stopping it’s constantly going on and on. Suddenly group C is on…- Brooklyn

On the 4th of September I went to Stars on Stage 2013. At the start I was really nervous to go on stage but once I got on I wasn’t so nervous at all. I just did big moves and did it with a big smile. Once we got off the stage we put on our jackets and went outside in the cold rainy night.I had to wait for ten minutes till my mum got out of theatre and I was feeling happy but cold. - Charlize

 With my skirt flowing gracefully behind me, the crowds clapping fills my ears. The music doesn’t seem to stop, then my chance to shine. The spotlight upon me in the dark, feeling nervous I start to dance but it draws to an end so quickly. I will never forget it, never! - Jemma

 As the lights turned on I was scared out of my mind. I didn't know what was going to happen. I was in the corner watching the school before us on the tv. When the host finally called our school out I knew I had to do it. I walked out onto the stage and recited the story of our show. I was so nervous even after I did the speech but overall it was an incredible night. -Ben

Behind the pitch black curtain everyone was running around getting into their places. My tummy was doing somersaults. Suddenly the curtain flew up and then light started shining in my eyes.. -Amaya

While sitting in my red chair I was blown away by the other schools performances. Finally time for St Clair School to perform. We nervously walked to the dressing rooms. After just about choking on the smell of hairspray, we gathered our props and put them on the stage. The music started we all froze… Samantha

I froze as soon as the curtains slowly crept up. The roar of the crowd was terrifying. The first song was on once it was finished it felt like five seconds and it was done… Tevya

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Worm Farm. By Thomas and Harrison

A worm farm is where you can put your organic waste where worms turn it into nitrogen. We find their excretion very useful to help our plants grow. At St Clair School we have a worm farm to help reduce our waste.

This is the steps that we take to care for our worm farm.

What to Feed Your Worms:
Banana peels
Apple cores
Leaves and Vegetable Scraps.

What Not to Feed Worms:
Coloured paper
Junk food/acidic and spicy foods
Orange skins

Step 1:
Collect food scraps from children's lunches and then empty the food scraps into the worm farm.

Step 2:
Leave a bucket under the hole in the worm farm where the juice passes through the soil and trickles into the bucket.

Step 3:
When there is enough juice we pour it into a recycled milk container, give it a good shake and give it away to people in our community.

That's our steps of how to use the worm farm, now you can have your own one so remember to do it every day and feed your worms the right stuff!

Written by Harrison and Thomas
Edited by Room 15.